Thursday, 20 December 2007

I'm hopping, I'm hopping, I'm hopping, hopping, hopping

When does liking something spiral into obsession?

I'm a bit concerned about my Charlie & Lola collection. I now have:
I absolutely must do colouring-in now or painting or drawing
But excuse me that is my book
My extremely very important diary 2008
A Charlie & Lola backpack

AND, just bought...
A Charlie & Lola umbrella
I will not ever never eat a tomato - the pop-up edition (in my defence for this one, I really wanted the pop-up editon of We're going on a bear hunt)

Maybe the phrase is 'I absolutely must stop buying Charlie & Lola things now'


  1. You absolutely must sign up on the site and watch the clips.

  2. I absolutely must, but have been like Lola and run to the shop instead!


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I'm going to check the comments first - and it might take me a while to remember to look - sorry!