Tuesday 4 December 2007

It's that time of year...

when things go all crazy... and time runs out and you just wish December was over (well, I do) - or that it would go on forever - and your bank account is even more stretched than usual.
But, on a positive note, you get to read all the new Christmas books out there, and revisit old favourites. (I'm not doing the Christmas songs thing... eek).
Working on a giant advent calendar for work has made me think about what my favourite Christmas stories are. In no particular order, they are:
The nativity illustrated by Julie Vivas - pretty much the King James version of the story with Vivas' fabulous illustrations. Jesus being born is pretty cool - and the angel Gabriel holding him is beautiful.
Ernest and Celestine by Gabrielle Vincent. Christmas shared with love and joy, not money, as Celestine persuades Ernest that they CAN have a Christmas party, even if they have no money.
Harry and the dinosaurs make a Christmas wish by Ian Whybrow & illustrated by Adrian Reynolds. Harry and the dinosaurs - enough said.
The Christmas miracle of Jonathan Toomey by Susan Wojciechowski. The true spirit of Christmas. A embittered widower is paid to carve a nativity scene for a young widow and her son. And, no, it's not a romance novel, but an illustrated story for 8+.
Marta and the manger straw by Virginia Kroll & illustrated by Robyn Belton. Again, real Christmas, this time based upon a Polish tradition. Marta shares her Christmas luck with everyone and, when things go wrong, finds that she receives more love back. Picture book for 5+.
A small miracle by Peter Collington. An elderly woman raises money for food by pawning her piano accordion, but on her way home she is robbed. She finds the robber has ransacked the church and manages to get the charity tin off him, puts the Nativity scene to rights, and heads home - cold and hungry - but collapses on the way. The Nativity characters find her, take her home, and the Wise Men head off into town to sell their presents to redeem her accordian, and buy food; Joseph heads off into the woods to chop firewood; and Mary and Jesus watch over her. A wordless graphic novel.

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