My oldest nephew was born. Here he is, being an uncle himself.
Happy birthday!
These were the days when children weren't that welcome in hospitals. Luckily for me, a few months earlier a friend had had a baby and my presence was explained. So, when the nurse looked sideways at me visiting my brand new baby nephew, I was prepared. "I'm an auntie! I'm an auntie!" The enthusiasm let me stay.
1979 was a great year.
It was International Year of the Child so stuff was released to coincide - and not just my nephew.
I like this poem - I still have my very bedraggled and falling-apart copy. This isn't the cover I have.
There's a hippo in my bathtub by Anne Murray, again not the cover I have.
And... my mum came home.
Two people I love and respect
Two tangible things that connect me to the child I was - and the one within
Four things to treasure
Countless memories to cherish
I hope the gifts of 1979 stay with me forever
That was very moving; you write beautifully.