Friday 26 October 2007

Some random tech thoughts

How do you remember how you log on! Everytime I go to log on to something I have to sit and try to figure out what email I used and what password. Pain!
I love goodreads because when your friends add a comment, or change their bookshelves, it sends you an email (like bebo), but what makes goodreads different is - when you click on the link you're automatically logged in! Much nicer than the other social networking sites I've been using!

Tuesday 23 October 2007

How's your day going?

People often ask you how your day is going... here's some code phrases I find useful...

A Hairy Maclary Day: when things have got a bit on top of you (like meeting Scarface Claw) and you just want to go 'straight back home to bed'

A Lt Worf Day: from the times Worf said 'maybe today is a good day to die' (from a Klingon phrase Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam). When you know it's all going to be full on, like an invasion or an attack - and you just go into the day full steam ahead and take on whatever comes. They usually end up being pretty good days - often, funnily enough, on a Saturday

A Winnie-the-Pooh Day: when you are a Bear of Very Little Brain

An Eeyore Day: All round gloom... best described in this exchange: 'Good morning, Pooh Bear,' said Eeyore gloomily. 'If it is a good morning, which I doubt', said he. 'Why, what's the matter?' 'Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it.' 'Can't all what?' said Pooh, rubbing his nose. 'Gaiety. Song-and-dance. Here we go round the mulberry bush.'

A Christopher Robin Nothing Day: 'How do you do Nothing?' asked Pooh. 'Well, it's when people call out to you as you're going off to do it "What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?" and you say "Oh, nothing" and then you go and do it. It means just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.'

A Bisy Backson Day: This is what happens to Christopher Robin when he has to go to school - he is always busy, and will be back soon. This is also what happens some days when there are meetings all over your calendar

If shopping's a sport...

Then I did really well on Sunday! Off on those Labour Day sales... got a fab long (almost to my ankles) kit jacket orignal price $80 down to $14! The joy! The thrill of success!
On shopping, looking at clothes for various young relatives - did make the news story about the sexualisation of young children more relevant.
It's not just overly sexual clothes for girls, it's also trying to find clothes for boys that don't make them look like try hard gangstas or rockers. Why do boys suddenly have to be dressed in labelled clothing once they turn 5? Why can't they still get around in dinosaurs or trains or trucks? They're only little kids.

Friday 19 October 2007

The rise of Cyberdyne?

On library 2.0 and web 2.0
On a quick skim of the articles... I think I might be figuring out how to use technolust and technoworship in a conversation - although not indulging in it myself, of course! We Librarians 2.0 don't!
I like the emphasis web 2.0 puts on customers - and making sure we're connecting with them, and doing things for them, instead of pre/post guessing.
I like the possibilities of making our catalogues more user friendly, more amazon-y. Some of the possibilities in the future are intriguing - must keep my cyberdyne fears at bay, though. Read/watched too many things about systems becoming self-aware... WarGames was ahead of its time.
The video is fascinating (even without sound... wee bit of technolust - want working speakers) - but, see, scary 'we're teaching the machines' comments...
But I do like - the web is us. Not sure about rethinking privacy, though.

People I love...

Tomie dePaola!

Hence the possibility of putting myself in to overdraft to score his handmade dove at the Storylines' charity auction!

Anyway - decided to pop in on his site and found... The dePaoloa Code. I'd seen the beginnings of it ages ago, on the DiscoMermaids site. How fun! Any author/illustrator that doesn't take themselves that seriously has got to be fun!

The joys of spring part 2

It's not spring! Predicted low today of 2!!!

But, that said, with daylight savings it means I can look out my bus window and gaze at the beautiful Western Springs... It's my favourite bit of coming to work, and going past it so early in the morning means there's hardly any people around spoiling the view.

I haven't seen the bunny rabbits in months, wonder if they're still around.

You can judge the coldness of the morning by how high the steam is coming off the lake - and today was pretty cold. When the air temperature is THAT much colder than the water, you know it's chilly out!

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Things you don't want to find in the morning....

So, I was not entirely happy my mother had booked my day off... but there were other, better, cheaper, ways of getting out of it!

Was getting my clothes ready for the day out, when I realised that the carpet was wet! That could only mean one thing... leaking hot water cylinder. Like I said - not the nicest excuse, although quite original.

Luckily my brother-in-law had the name of a good plumber who was able to come straightaway (sorry guys, he's not taking on any more work!). A couple of hours, a couple of hundred dollars later - all ok!

Just another symptom of previous owners' DIYing!

I now get to sleep with the window open, trying to dry out the carpet in my bedroom. Yes, a bedroom is an odd place for a hot water cylinder... long story... DIY, indeed.

Friday 12 October 2007

More flickr fun!

Crystal introduced me to the Hockneyizer tool at Bighugelabs. I'd only really looked at the mosaic maker and Warholizer. How cool is this - both with and without frames... my favourite pair of totally impractical and uncomfortable boots (which I gave up)

Then I played with the cube tool... even more fun!

Thursday 11 October 2007

Image that!

Online image generators
What a randomly weird thing - sorta similar to mashups. I was struggling a bit to figure out what to do - not wanting to replicate other (damn you ACL Learning for using the coffee!) - so I came up with making an awareness ribbon for Storylines, my charity of choice, using Imagechef. I didn't like the fact that the font is a default - Storylines has an official font, so it would have been nice to be able to change it.
Then I sort of got carried away and decide to make myself an avatar. The site linked from the Generator Blog was all in Spanish, and even with my friendly Spanish workmate, it didn't let you download - only print... how old fashioned! So I had to go with something less me... from DoppelMe. It was hard finding a site that didn't require you register to get anywhere. I have enough difficulty keeping my real social life going, let alone that of an avatar! So, the more-friendly, less cool avatar of me...
Generator Blog was interesting... didn't really register that all those Name Generators were sort of the same thing. We used to link to a lot of name generators on the teens pages, but some changed, and some led into quite the wrong sort of site!

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Well, at least I didn't get a tattoo...

And I get to sleep in on the weekends!

Check out this ODT article about a student with his new tattoo celebrating the All Black's 2007 World Cup win!

Enough said, really...

Saturday 6 October 2007

All I want for Christmas is...

This handmade dove by one of my all-time favourite book people! Available as a lot in Storylines' charity auction.
This fabulous tshirt based on a quote in Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce.

What a weekend!

Off on the Pink Dove Star Walk tonight! I've had to break my long-standing tradition of not wearing pink in order to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I haven't worn pink since being able to choose my own clothes!

Then, even more pinkness! Off to the Bead Hold on Sunday to take part in the Make and Eat afternoon.

Monday... off to celebrate the launch of Dorothy Butler and Lyn Kriegler's new book in the Old New Zealand series - Sea Dog.

I'll be coming back to work for a rest!

Friday 5 October 2007

Madness hamsters or Mad Hamster?

Anyone heard of the Hamster? Aka Richard Hammond - one of the hosts of Top Gear. Mad, I tell, mad. But then, all the Top Gear guys seem to be...

Then he was all better - miraculously - and ran home in the middle of the night during the floods in the UK.

Any wonder why I'm addicted to the show?
Photo stolen from the Daily Mail site... it's in in the 2nd article.

School holidays

Something I was listening to the other day made me think of what I remembered from school holidays... what did we do?

So... my most memorable school holidays are (in chronological order) [and, if my memory is wrong - tough! I was only little!]

Kaiwaka! I hadn't even started school at this point, but staying in shearers' quarters in Kaiwaka counts as one of the all time great family holidays! We were all there. The parents, the siblings, the sister's boyfriend, and one set of grandparents. There was fishing - I got to fishing with the big kids for the first time! I caught my first itty bitty fish (and wanted to get out of that boat away from them fast!) There were horses to ride. There were horses to play around - and freak out the family, as one was supposed to be mean (he was lovely, to me at least). And this really cool house on the way with twisted brick columns. The columns stuck in my head for years and it was only as an adult that I found the house again, and learnt it was in Kaiwaka.

Camping with Dad, my sister and brother-in-law, and an (adult) family friend. I remember the setting up of the tent; the blowing down of the tent (in the dark); the moving of the tent site to somewhere with less gravel. I remember the friend having morning sickness. And the highlight? Losing one of my front teeth! The joys of being six!

Going on holiday in Rotorua with Dad and his parents. Staying in a motel for the first time! Going to the motel spa. Seeing my Dad in swim wear (he didn't swim!). Being the only kid spoiled by three adults for a whole week! Years later I found out the holiday was because my grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer and wanted a family holiday to remember. Happily she managed many more, making it through to my first year of uni.

And, the last holiday visiting my mum up north. The best holiday ever! The one when my mum and dad got back together... Mum came home to us the next holidays.

Sorry for the ramble!

Thoughts go out for all those trying to keep their little darlings amused these holidays - in the lovely spring weather - and all of us library staff dealing with the influx!

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Ranty McRanty #2

They say Auckland has four seasons in one day - I just experienced at least three in 20 minutes!

10am - beautiful sun through the windows... 10.20 we'd had torrential rain, lightning & thunder and hail!

Welcome to spring, indeed!

Why am I surprised? I always have leave the same time of year and last year I spent it in glorious springtime! And came back to work in winter... same again this year!

Speaking of last year - it's been a year since I've been able to wear heels. Damn that standing up from kneeling down! I spent two weeks after the initial 'injury' (which didn't hurt!) doing things like wheelbarrowing loads and loads of mulch up hill and down dale, walking lots. And what happens? Go back to work - one day in my beloved heels - ONE DAY! - and that's that... no more heels - and ache every single day.

Grieving and bitter over the heels... so yep, big rant today!

Tuesday 2 October 2007

More photos...

Yeah, I know... I should be putting them on flickr... but just too much today...
So, this is the side view of the church just up the road from the bach, taken from beside my dad's grave.
And, to the right, the view from my dad's grave - accompanied, at the moment, by the melodious sounds of lambs.

Back at work!

Well, the tech issues at home continue... hence the delay!

In answer to some comments... I forgot the buzzy bees! Utterly hopeless! The significance of the buzzy bees is: my dad worked at the buzzy bee factory in the early 50s during his school holidays.

And - how to get rid of the annoying outlook pop-up, in case you're wondering!
Go to Options - Preferences - Email options - Advanced email options - When new items arrive.

Unfortunately we were trapped up north with only TV2 and TV3 to watch! At least we could watch rugby... but no Prime (Doctor Who! part 2 and everything!) - no Sky... so no Twenty20... and no Tony Veitch doing the sports news....