Wednesday 26 August 2009

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Saturday 22 August 2009

Friday favs

I love Top Gear and I'm very fond of Kevin McCloud and Grand Designs... so Kevin being the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car is definitely a fav! Watch it here...

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Music for a Monday

yet again, on a Tuesday! And, for added oddness - published AFTER Wednesday weirdness...
Music you struggle to sit still for... yes, music that makes you move...
In no particular order and, as always, subject to change at a moment's notice...

What about you?

Wednesday weirdness

Hah! Last week I did Monday's post on Tuesday - this week, Wednesday's post on Tuesday! Well, I'm in Wellington for work - and may not get a chance otherwise...

Anyhoo... some links which - I hope - will get a chuckle out of you...
  • Book review - Pregnesia - why, oh why, doesn't work have this book...
  • Awful Library Books - please God let us have none of these on the open shelves...

Friday 14 August 2009

Friday fav

Following on Thursday's thoughts (actually written moments ago)...
Here's one of my favourite photos of all time... well, one with me in it anyway... the cousins circa 1974.
Left to right: me (with a very cute white handbag - note it matches my shoes - and pink gun, what all girls need); Catriona; Jodz & Mike (with cute doll, probably borrowed from one of us girls)

Thought for Thursday

Posted on Friday... I was too busy on Thursday to think...
Last night I sat on the living room floor going through boxes & albums of photos. My aunt's 80th birthday is coming up, and my cousin contacted me for old family photos. Well, she wanted my mum's details to get old photos - but I have them all, trust me.
As I looked through these photos - most of people I'd never met, some I have no idea who they are - I felt blessed by being part of them. Blessed by the knowledge that part of them is in me. Blessed by the strength of family apparent in all those photos. And burdened by the fact I have these photos - I don't know who to pass them on to - and I have to do something with them. I have a dilemma - do I use the original photos in any album I put together (while making them removable) or do I leave them in the original albums (some of which are held in the album with tape!)...?
But, mostly, blessed. It is family who mould you into yourself. And - on the whole - my have been great. Lessons have been learned, strength built, and love given.

PS - some things span generations... there will always be little girls who had having their hair brushed (photographic proof of Lynn circa 1956), young adult males will always be obsessed with cars (dad & his mate Mal), and some proud grandparent/parent will be around to take photos of new babies...

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Wednesday weirdness

also doubling as music time! I challenge you to NOT groove while listening...

Thanks to Steve Colbert, via AverageJoe.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Things on a Tuesday

this was supposed to be Music for a Monday - but, honestly, I couldn't bear to turn on the computer yesterday... my day away from it all...

So... what songs do you turn up loud and drown in? Not the ones you turn up loud & sing along - loudly - too. But the ones you just let wash over you...
In no particular order, mine are:
Silent lucidity
Behind blue eyes
Lightning crashes
We're looking for the whales

Yes, I realise that it is a comment on my music tastes, and my age - but there you go!

Friday 7 August 2009

Friday favs

For all those with daughters - or who are daughters...

For more info, visit Neil Gaiman's site.
PS - the book rocks! I do believe a certain soon-to-be-born Olivia might be getting a copy for Christmas, if I can track one down.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Wednesday weirdness

In the spirit of themed days to my blogging week - the very first Mad Hamster Wednesday Weirdness post... thanks to Sues for the heads-up...