Thursday 29 April 2010

Too busy to post

Sorry for the quiet...

My home computer is on its last legs - thus making anything computery out of the question after work - besides which, I've seen enough of a computer screen during work.

And, during work - I'm staring at computer screens related to work. Yes, shocking I know, but I have actually been working while at work...

Wednesday 14 April 2010

The theme for today is...

The Moll-ster & gardens & other updates

The cat thermometer has spoken - it must be winter. The Moll-ster has just started sleeping on my bed, her winter spot. No idea where she sleeps the rest of the year.

Just think, only days ago she was doing her impression of a plant - albeit, one ready for picking...

Speaking of plants - the last of my, admittedly small, tomatoes are being eaten. They taste very yummy! The biggest was 165 grams! Here is one, cut up and served on bread, made by myself - so domestic (if only that extended to being house-'trained' and actually doing housework)...

Oh well, maybe in my next life.

And - I've seen bunnies in Western Springs the last couple of Saturdays! Yay!

The shower is all fixed! No more dealing with the way-of-the-wood method of drip control...

Simple joys. And that's what life is made up of - it's not the big things, it's all those little things that make up our every day, that make our every days worth it.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Is it wrong...

that I find this really funny?

Thursday 8 April 2010

Bathroom drama

For the last few months, my shower hasn't worked - the mixer just wouldn't turn. Luckily, there is a handheld shower head attached to the bath taps... The plumber came on Good Friday, fixed the mixer - but now it drips. Until the landlord gives permission to replace the unit... this is how I get to stop the drips - very entertaining!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Because it's her birthday

and because this is one of the most amazing songs ever, sung by one of the most amazing voices ever...