Saturday 30 October 2010

What I did on my vacation

Spent too much money...
Read too few books... [ie, had PILES - literally - to read, and have read ONE]
Knitted socks
Went to doctor for skin cancer check - all good
Checked and I don't have any signs of glaucoma or catarachs [however the hell you spell it]
Slept in and rested lots
Made 2 - yes TWO - lots of bread. One no-knead, one full-on kneaded. Photos coming later.
Made my own tortillas for tacos. Is that obsessive?
Ignored technology quite a lot - hence not visiting anything - including my blog.
And now - tonight is sports nights. League test and ABs v Wallabies. Bliss...
Signing off now, and will be back when back to work on Tuesday.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Cat-urday: x-files kitty!

Well - that explains a lot!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Reminds me of Tooms!

Friday 22 October 2010

Fun on a Friday: review time

Anyhoo... I posted this review on a discussion / challenge in Good reads - but thought I'd share it here. Haven't reviewed anything in AGES!

Three times a bride
An anthology. So, three novellas - three 'forced' weddings. As always with anthologies, a bit rocky.
First up: 'Fancy free' by Catherine Anderson.
Western. She wears glasses, but was rejected because of them, so doesn't wear them in public - hence, embroils the wrong brother in her revenge plot. Found the next morning in a compromising position IN THE CHURCH! How convenient, they could just get married straight away... And, seeing as hero was thinking about getting hog-tied anyhoo (those brothers of his are all running wild and having nightmares) the Father with gun, *seriously - pointed AT HIS HEAD* (sorry, I think it was a pistol, not a shotgun) - he goes through with wedding. Introduce New Bride and all is perfect... until aunt arrives... blah, blah. Yep, predictable. 3 stars.... ok, but not overwhelming.

Followed by 'The mad earl's bride' by Loretta Chase.
He's just like his mother - over-sexed and headachy. So, convinced he's going to die at any moment, he lives recklessly in the wilds of Yorkshire (crap! I think it's Yorkshire)... anyhoo, moving on. Then calamity! He becomes the earl - thanks too close-to-impossible-plot-device... Enter, even whose than a blue-stocking, but *shock horror* an EDUCATED woman who wants to be a doctor, but those mean nasty men won't let her. That's ok - she's found a dying man to marry (and breed with, quickly you understand - thank goodness her family are so fertile) and leave her his fortune so she can build her hospital and run it without those pesky men interfering. Gotta love those frizzy-redheads... That said - I really liked her! 3.5 stars - nearly 4.

Last cab... 'Scandal's bride' by Samantha James.
How sad. Her father is forcing her to marry - three seasons you know. To stop his evilness, she finds the first man she doesn't already know and KISSES him in public. Well, on the balcony, just as her friend appears in a pre-arranged set-up. Father is there, tho! No escape!! It's marriage for sure. Right then. Well, an hour or so later. THEN... no consumation. THEN... misunderstanding... THEN... togetherness... THEN... misunderstanding... THEN... happy ever after. Ho hum 3 stars.
So - overall, an OK read. 3 stars. Right for those brain-dead times when you need the words to wash over your eyeballs, but don't actually require much in the way of brain cells to comprehend the meaning.

Oh... discussion questions!
Did the story & characters sound realistic? Um... that would be a NO.
Could you relate to any of the characters or certain things that happened in the story? If so, can you share an example? Frizzy-red head with an education? One who basically speaks in tongues when sharing her knowledge. Yep. That would be me. Well, sorta wavy, and sorta auburn. And, the whole speaking-in-tongue things, I've really cut down on that. Blank looks aren't always funny. (Sometimes they're hilarious).
There you go - is that enough of a review for you all?

Thursday 21 October 2010

Thoughts for a Thursday... Treasure

I'm on a bit of a Joy Cowley binge at the mo.
As part of it, I've just picked up her 3 books of reflections - now, those who know me, know I'm not religious. Well, not organised pigeon-holed religious. I come from a family of questioners, from whom I have inherited a great faith, but one that isn't bound in any Faith. I hope you understand the distinction. It does mean that I pick up, magpie-like, bits and pieces of many different belief systems and appreciate them.
While skimming through Psalms for the road I found many poems which resonated with me. One of which I'd like to share today.
It made me think of conversations I had at the last working bee up north. Ok, I'm not a gardener - so have to ask others if something is a weed or not. Somewhere I heard a definition of a weed as a plant that's growing where you don't want it to - so, it could mean lettuces among your roses. Now, Dad had me well trained (and the others probably, too!) - so we appreciated 'weeds' - dandelions, buttercups, daisies - and I was always sad when Dad mowed the back yard. It was much cooler as a jungle. And provided a softer landing if you were kamikaze-ing off the swing.  It was also a complete pain to mow. Little Monkey is currently growing up in a backyard similar to this - so I've been trying to convince her mother that a little bit of jungle is a good thing for a growing child.
May we all see treasure in 'weeds' - and may all our weeds become treasure. We just need to change our definitions and our viewpoints. And, may we not label others' treasures as weeds.
After this long preamble, I offer Joy Cowley's words - far more eloquent than mine.

One fine morning, the child stood on a lawn
covered with daisies and dandelions,
and hardly dared breathe for beauty.
The grass was thick around her ankles and in it,
as far as she could see, were jewels laid out
on spring-green velvet.
Each daisy was a perfect yellow cushion
edged with white petals, some blush tinted.
Every dandelion was made from sunshine,
and some had on their faces, wet diamonds
that shivered and glittered when they rolled
onto the child's fingeres.
She took a bunch of this perfect treasure
into her father and he admired every flower,
his eyes growing soft with memory.
Together, they put them in a glass
on the kitchen window sill which instantly
became a shrine to beauty.
Later that day, someone said, "Nice lawn.
It's a pity there are so many weeds in it.
I have a spray that'll get rid of them."
At that moment, the child learned
that when a treasure is judged a weed
it has no value at all.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Who'd have thunk!

What Models Read


Today is the day - the anniversary of the last nightly show of this little number...

Goodnight Kiwi

Monday 18 October 2010

Music on a Monday: cover head-to-head #3

Two fabulous voices and one fabulous song... so hard to choose! Sorry for the quality of the vids!

Saturday 16 October 2010

Cat-urday: that explains it

So, this is why the Moll-ster runs from children...

Funny Pictures of Cats with Captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Friday 15 October 2010

Some days...

And they say you forget things when you're old. I'm not even 40 and I'm already hopeless...

funny pictures-Ai forgetz..    Waz ai goin up or down?
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Monday 11 October 2010

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Monkey's birthday

Just a couple of photos of Monkey at her first birthday party. More on facebook...

Monday 4 October 2010

Saturday 2 October 2010

A Tribute to Tony

Ok - yes - a day late... but one of my fav scenes from one of fav movies...

Cat-urday: Thanks Basement Cat

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Friday 1 October 2010

Spring has sprung?

Well, it had last weekend while we were up north on the working bee. As proof, I offer photos...

The view from the church - Dad's grave is just to the left - and those are little sheep & lambs in the opposite paddock.

Dad's grave, with spring flowers.

Happy birthday MONKEY!

Yes, hard to believe - but Miss Monkey is a big ONE today!

Even when sick she is (mostly) happy... as evidenced by the below photo, taken last week.
Things to keep a girl happy - a cell phone and a teddy bear.