Friday 31 December 2010

Favourite things Friday

My Family.
They rock. They are supportive. They are fun. They are zany. They are loving and caring and...

My Friends.
They rock. They are supportive. They are fun. They are zany. They are loving and caring and...

Love you guys.

Merry New Year.

Saturday 25 December 2010

Cat-urday: Christmas!

And this is why my Christmases have been mostly tree-less for the last 14 years.

Friday 24 December 2010

Friday favs... Smith & Caughey Christmas

I love the fact they go all-out. I love the windows. And I really, really loved the ham Christmas lunch I had a couple of days ago with the Boss - the roast potatoes were amazing.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Thoughts for a Thursday... dress dilemmas

Warning: very boring for guys... so don't bother reading on. Promise.

On Saturday I was on a mission to find a dress for Christmas Day. Hey, if the little guys can have new clothes for the day, don't see why I can't.

Anyway - the shop was open for less than an hour when I eventually left with one dress I'm 90% happy with. Leaving a pile of 10+ dresses that didn't cut the mustard. Said dress made the cut, but only with the addition of a t-shirt and shrug - which will not be worn at the same time).

I watch  things like Gok and Trinny & Susannah. I know from their shows - Gok in particular - that mine is the body shape people want (in theory - tho' one website told me I was plank-shaped. Thanks. Heaps.). This, however, did not stop the disaster / dilemma of the trying on.

I have a shape (albeit plank), which means dresses with lots of padding don't work. Squished-mono-breast is not the look I'm going for, in general. It also means support is needed. So, strapless can be a problem. And so can straps. I'd prefer wider straps, thanks, to at least attempt to cover the bra straps. Oh, and so halter-necks are out, too, for that reason. So, too, plunging necklines. I like my clothes to do double-duty: work and not-work. Cleavage may be great, but so not suitable in my work place! A hint, yep. Plunging - that would be a hell no.

It is difficult to be a 1950s-shaped person in a 1960s/70s styled fashion world. Sigh.

Hence the dilemma.  

I like dresses. I like the fact that on days like Christmas, when you're eating a lot, there's no restrictive waistband to make you uncomfortable.

But, again, the dilemma - the shape. I'm a couple of different 'sizes' in my one size. So, finding a dress that suits and is - for me - one-size-fits-all is a struggle. (Not just dresses, really - skirts / trousers also a problem. Yay for hipster styles, I say!) Surely I'm not the only one with such issues.

Anyway - I'm sure there will be photos so you can see how well I did.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Cat-urday: the truth

So - this is how they do it. There's a manual!

funny pictures-Fud Dispensr Manual:  Troubleshooting
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Thursday 16 December 2010

Thought for a Thursday... cousinly love

I'm pretty close to my cousin Jod - in age and emotionally. We're only two weeks apart - I'm older, but as Jod like to point out, she was conceived before me. And she got to go home from hospital first. Oh, and walked first, too. She did a lot of things first.

When we were little, we spent a lot of time together - our families were close. But, as both sets of parents divorced - we went with the unrelated parent. She with her mother, and me with my father. Although we shared a set of grandparents (my mother's parents, and her father's parents), we didn't see each other for years.

Then, one day - completely out of the blue - I received a letter from her. In it was a ticket to the local ice-skating rink. She thought it would be useful for me, as she lived on the other side of the city. 

From that simple act - I don't know how brave it was to write and hope - we came back together. Every school holiday we spent time together, alternating houses. 

As she moved around, we kept in touch by letters.

Then, she moved back to Auckland. And, somehow, we stopped writing and didn't really start phoning. But, still, the closeness was there. Now there's email, facebook, blogs and text. And we just pick up where we left off.

And, this is the true meaning of closeness - no matter the distance, nor the differences in philosophies - we are together. 

I love you lots Jod!

with my big sisters in 1972






Thursday 2 December 2010