Saturday 29 January 2011

Cat-urday: full moon?

Nice... get where this LOLcat is coming from...

funny pictures - The moon doesn't turn me into a psycho... ...I came this way
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Now - you can take that to mean myself, or the customers. Or both. Take your pick :)

Friday 28 January 2011

Hi again...

Spot the person too busy at work - with added paranoia about 'net acces at work - to post... Much as I love you guys, I really do not want to spend my time at home on the computer.

Anyhoo... this will be & a couple of my sisters in a few weeks time. How's that for family bonding?!?

Saturday 15 January 2011

Cat-urday... bedtime remix

Ha! I gotta get me one of these!

funny pictures - Anti-social bed rejeks kitteh's attempts at cuddulling!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Monday 10 January 2011

Monday musing... seeing through Monkey's new eyes

On New Year's Day I was lucky enough to go to the zoo with Monkey, her parents, her aunt, uncle, cousin and Nana. (By the way - great adult to child ratio there - 6 to 3!)

Anyway, Monkey's 16 months old now, and she's beginning to put things together. And, I saw one of those moments. When something she'd learnt in the abstract - or pictorial - came to life and she KNEW.

She's been learning animal noises (good job by her parents). So, we spent the day hearing various rahs, and oo-oo monkey noises as she identified animals. Sometimes - interesting choices: the siamang was called 'teddy' and the sealion 'shark' (said with relish - just how her dad says it). Not bad for 16 months, and entertaining thinking through her thought processes to identify unfamiliar animals through her worldview.

Her dad said 'look at the elephant' - but Burma was a bit blending in with the background, as she was towards the back of the enclosure, having a mud bath. But then she came closer. And, Monkey got it. 'Ella!' she said, very excitedly. 'Ella! Ella!' When she was standing, holding on to the fence railings, she was so excited, she was rocking back and foward, shaking the bars.

I apologise for the photos - and upcoming lack of them. Didn't check the batteries before I left. Idiot.

So, there's no photo of Monkey standing, face and hands pressed against the glass, looking at the cheetahs RIGHT THERE, saying 'rah'. Cuteness.

It made the zoo experience very cool. Not that the weather was cool at all!

Another aside - how do children recognise all those different things as 'ducky': eg plastic rubber duck toy, picture of said toy, real duck, picture of real duck, photo of real duck, duckling... The human brain is an amazing thing.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Caturday... sleeping arrangements

So, it's summer. And hot at night. So why is it NOW that the Mollster decides to sleep with me (luckily, not ON me, which Erika's fluffy cat does - and only in summer).

Now, Mollster isn't just sleeping on my bed - but usually, curled up by my knees. This makes it diffcult to throw off the blankets when it get hots - which it does. You know what it's like - cold, hot, cold, hot... repeat wild temperature variations throughout the night.

Now, in winter - I have no idea where the Mollster sleeps. 'Cos it sure as heck isn't with me!!! Which, if I was in charge, it would be. Come on - non-moving blankets, electric blanket... what's not to like???

Friday 7 January 2011

Friday favs... Georgette Heyer

Yes, I love most of books, and I'm going to read more this year - particularly ones I haven't read before... However, I've just finished Jane Aiken Hodge's biography of her - The private world of Georgette Heyer - which is fascinating. This wee passage had me nodding in understanding. I would like to be about to have expensive taste - but I do my best.

There was nothing egalitarian about Georgette Heyer. She thought the labourer worthy of her hire. Working hard, expected to enjoy the fruits of her labours. She liked the elegances of life, earned them, and bought them. Their chambers were well, if sombrely, furnished; she dressed impeccable and expensive taste, with a penchant for huge hats and the very best handbags and shoes. (Arrow Books, 2006; pp 112-113.)

Thursday 6 January 2011

Last night

I spent most of last night a lot like this cute little guy... finally got to sleep around 3am. Bit of an issue when your alarm goes off at 5am...

cute puppy pictures - I iz nawt bery gud @ gettin comfiez...
see more dog and puppy pictures