Thursday 26 May 2011

Thoughts for a Thursday... fandom!

To celebrate the 2nd episode of the latest Doctor Who series... some fandom...

Funny Celebrity Pictures - Doctor Who Series 1-6 Timeline
see more Lol Celebs

Funny Celebrity Pictures - TEAM TARDIS
see more Lol Celebs

Funny Celebrity Pictures - Peanuts Meets Doctor Who
see more Lol Celebs

Funny Celebrity Pictures - Doctor Who Gets Sorted!
see more Lol Celebs

funny celebrity pictures - DOCTOR WHO DRESSED AS THE JOKER
see more Lol Celebs

Doctor Who Monopoly
see more Lol Celebs
PS there is an official game coming out.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thursday for a Thurday: techno taming

Ever feel like technology is taking over your life?
Most Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I'm sitting in front a computer for about 10 hours a day at work. Doing techie stuff. You know, email, internet stuff - research, searching, chat, updating webpages - working on documents and spreadsheets... Pretty much all work-related.
Thursdays - about six hours or so. Friday and Saturday, not so much. Also explains why I spend so much time of Saturday out from the workroom and from behind the desk.
This also explains why I'm a sporadic facebooker. And why I forget I have a brand-new twitter account.
And... why I only rarely actually plug-in-and-turn-on my broadband at home.
After hours at work spent in front of a screen - when I'm at home, I'd rather have the screen a few feet away - a TV screen, where I'm not expected to do anything, up to and including paying attention. And I'll knit.... or read. Or both at the same time.
I'm not that much of a techno-nut to enjoy being hooked in all the time.
And, that's my excuse for not updating my blog so much.
And the blogs I follow tend to be the ones that email me. The whole logging-on to yet ANOTHER account, or visiting ANOTHER site does my head in. Just email me any updates, damn it. Facebook - I remember to visit, because it emails me when I'm tagged.
Mea culpa.

Friday 6 May 2011

Thoughts for a Thursday... mothers

Belated thoughts. I wrote this on Thursday, but computer access limited until now...

I've written about my mum and my nanas before. With Mother's day coming up, I wondered what more I had to say. Well, a lot really, but not all of it appropriate to a public forum. Instead, I thought about non-mothers - or, un-mothers, as my oldest sister and I call ourselves (and we sometimes give each other Happy Un-Mother's Day presents).

I think mothers (and fathers) are wonderful. I think the decision to have children, to nurture them - body & soul, mind & spirit - so they become amazing human beings, is a joyous thing.

But, I also think there is too much pressure and expectation to join this band.

Motherhood wasn't an option for me, for reasons that you don't need to know. They are my reasons.

Why do those of us without children - for whatever reasons - are made to feel somehow lesser beings?

Parenthood should be a choice, made with both emotion and logic. But it should not be a matter of public debate and discussion, particularly if you have not gone down that route.

I believe you can have a happy and fulfilled life with children. I believe you can have a happy and fulfilled life without children.

It is your choice.

It is your life.

The rest of the world can just butt out.