Thursday 29 December 2011

And a Happy New Year to you, too

This has been a year of reflection and change - and of seriously cutting back on stuff I do... including updating this blog. So sorry guys!

Instead, I've focused on keeping myself together.

Yes, I've been knitting - but that is therapy and meditation. And satisfying - but only when you know your gifts are appreciated. I really do knit love and care and hugs into my pieces. And I want the recipients to feel that love. If they don't appreciate the gifts - then, off the list. Generic, shop-bought presents it will be. There's only so much of me and my time to go around.

I've also sucked at keeping my reading up-to-date. *Sigh*. Now I'm back full-time front-of-house in a library, I should really be back reading my area. Maybe, just maybe, that could be my resolution this year.

Anyway - my report card for this year is: must try harder. And I will - just in areas that actually help me, too. Because, you know what, I'm worth looking after - and I'm going to do just that. But, I will try and update this, too. For fun, and when I feel like it - I won't let it become an albatross.

Take care - and I hope you look after yourselves next year too. Sometimes we all need to be a little bit selfish.