Friday 19 March 2021

A St Patrick's Day Tale.

Picture the scene: St Pat's Day, 1955. The Mayfair Theatre, Sandringham, Auckland. A 22 year old guy & his mate. Looking a bit scruffy, stubble, a leather aviator jacket...

An 18 year old young woman with her younger sister. An 18 year old who had adopted out an illegitimate child. But, still incredibly innocent. (Her now-grown daughters wonder how much consent was involved.)

Anyway, the guys are friends with the owner's son, and ask if they can be seated by the nice looking young ladies.

At the end of the movie, young man asks young lady if they would like a lift home. She's a bit concerned (see stubble & leather jacket). Then he says 'I have my Mum's car'.

Some judicious questions were asked as the women were in green. It *was* St Pat's, after all. It didn't mean anything to them. He, however, had a mother in the Orange Lodge, and sectarianism was a thing for him. She didn't know the why behind the questions.

(I'm not sure when he found out her mother been taught to spit at nuns. Yeah, seriously Protestant. Years later, he'd ask me 'have they got you yet?' when I worked in a Catholic school.)

They sit innocently, shyly, in the front, not talking. Meanwhile younger sister & friend are 'getting to know each other' in the back seat.

The dating started. It was all going well. The word 'floating' has been used to describe her feelings after some days. Then, she told him about the baby. Her mother thought she was mad, ruining this relationship.

That night, he turned up for their date, with flowers. They were engaged. He never really asked for permission. He couldn't talk, he was so nervous. Future FiL said 'I believe you have something to ask me'.

They were married in December, as they didn't want to spend Christmas apart. Unbeknownst to them, they were 2 months pregnant. Yep, had sex twice. Got pregnant twice.

Their groomsman (on left below) told a gossipy old lady to leave his store, when she came in commenting on the short time between wedding (Dec 11) and birth (Jul 5). (Speaking of gossip: bridesmaid on left is the sister. Groomsman on right was the friend in the car).

Anyway, by their 5th wedding anniversary, they were expecting baby 4 (having lost a couple along the way). Then... no babies for nearly 11 years! Then, me... 

Then, separation. Divorce, finalised 11 November 1978. By Christmas 1979, they were together again. With a grandson.

And they stayed that way until his death in May 2002. He was always loyal. He was always a one-woman man.