Saturday 12 June 2010

Dear blurb writers...

I thought I might try sock knitting this year. My mum's knitted one sock - and has survived.

So, I searched the library catalogue - you can play along! It's just there... on the right... and I typed in sock knitting. One of the results said this:

The editors at Vogue Knitting®, the most trusted name in the craft, have done it again, creating the most comprehensive guide available to sock knitters! No other book has both information for designing your own socks and such fabulous, never-before-published designer patterns. It includes background on the social and historical development of sock knitting (complete with historical photos), techniques (top-down, bottom-up, many different heel and toe styles), stitch patterns, and socks from a wide variety of ethnic traditions. Since sock knitting requires only the most basic skills, like casting on, knitting in the round, decreasing, working short rows, picking up stitches, binding off and seamless joining, it's a great place for beginners to start.

All well and good. However - since when does the most basic skills include knitting in the round... working short rows... picking up stitches... and seamless joinging!!!!!

For me - basic skills are: casting on, knit stitch, purl stitch, casting/binding off. Not the above!!! Slightly more-than-basic skills include: increase and decrease.
Advanced skills include: knitting in the round, working short rows!


Anyway - I'll let you know how I get on.

PS finished future-baby's outfit - just got to sew up the last two garments. Nearly finished 2nd bootee of 2nd pair for Froggie. And have another month to finish Button's present.

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