Tuesday 23 February 2010

Sunday 21 February 2010

Latin for the day

Fortuna dies natalis, Patricius*

*Happy birthday, Patrick

Friday 19 February 2010

Latin for the day

Ex verbo scientia*

*from the word, knowledge [Latin motto generator]

Thursday 18 February 2010

Latin for the day

familia me defendit*

*family protects me [again, made up]

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Latin for the day

Ex scientia gaudium*

*PS made it up using a Latin Motto Generator... from knowledge joy.

New fandom!

Thanks SeanFish for the heads-up - I hope this is what you meant. If not, it's still cool

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Latin for the day

Feles mala! cur cista non uteris? stramentum novum in ea posui.

Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it

because it's cute

Funny Pictures - The Cling-on's are attacking!
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Sunday 14 February 2010

Reflections of a solitary hamster*

I don't look forward to this time of year - the whole Valentine's thing. It's not because I'm single, and feel horrid/left out/strange being single and the whole world seems obsessed by pairing people up - it's because the whole world is obsessed with pairing people up+.

The other day, I heard someone on the radio talk about a new book which encouraged women to accept 'Mr Ok' - that women were too picky, and that's why they were single. The commentator made some valid points - before I had managed to stop sputtering - that the single women he knew were really happy being single. That, if they got into a relationship, then he had to be really great for her to change her way of life. That such books assume women need to have a man to be complete.
Thanks Mr Commentator - I'm with you.
I am happy - content - with my life. I am too selfish, messy, lazy - to share a house with people - let alone a life & relationship.
So, I'll be spending this Valentine's alone - as always, and as I like it.
+on that note - why do magazine horoscopes ALWAYS assume you are in - or want to be in - a relationship? Where's the section for 'happily single'?
*Thanks Seanfish for the inspiration of the title of this post... it all makes sense here. And, no, I don't love anyone enough to share my last waffle.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Latin & theme of the day

crescat scientia vita excolatur...

let knowledge grow, let life be enriched

Bag it update

It's spreading...

I've now made four handbags (photo below) - but the success is that my big sister has made one, too! I'm very proud!
She added her own variations - a flap to hold the bag closed.

Monday 8 February 2010

Coming over all domestic

My friends & relations know that I'm not the most domestic girl... I am a fan of some of the domestic arts - knitting, baking, etc - but housework is not my thing. I'd much rather knit & watch TV than do dishes, or cook & eat sensible food... The distinction is brilliantly described in Jane Brocket's The gentle art of domesticity.
To stay in budget for grocery shopping, I've been pricing my list out - online - then adjusting depending on what I can afford.
The other day I budgeted $30 for meat, then went to the butchery counter, where I can ask for 2 of something - 2 pork cutlets, 2 chicken thighs (organic & free range)... At home, I made up 6 hamburger patties from the mince, and divided up the steak & schnitzel. My, actually less than $30 on meat became 22 meals. So domestic...
And - unbelievably - last Friday I took a pack lunch to work. People were shocked. But not only that - the lettuce was from my garden, and the bread I'd made myself! Yes, ok, the recipe is so easy even a 4-year-old can make it - but, hey! Give me some credit for effort. And, I'm currently working on my second loaf.

Someone teased me, because I didn't have tomatoes from my own garden - but I had an answer - they're on their way! Look - a baby tomato! There are other babies in there. Are you impressed? I am shocked at myself. One day, I might even tidy up after myself.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Garden update

Another week, another lot of string tying up the tomatoes... and this week - tomato flowers!!!

Latin for the day - and the theme

Da mihi sis spiculum argentum.

I'll have a martini.

The aftermath of the flying cat episode

Following on from the Moll-ster vanishing off the balcony...

The ex-flattie asked how she was, and I said she was fine - but the solar light she possibly landed on, wasn't so good. His text reply was brilliant - landing lights?

Here is the evidence...

Molly looking at the upside-down & broken top of the solar light...
And - if you look carefully - the metal pole on the roof opposite mine... That I'm NOT blaming Molly for...