Wednesday 30 June 2010

Review it: Vintage knits

One for the knitters out there.
Any book about something you can make - and are interested in - be it recipes, or crafts - if you're like me, you pick it up. Skim through it and think - I could make that.

Sometimes, if you're lucky - you think that a lot.
I picked up this book - Vintage knits for modern babies by Hadley Fierlinger - and thought that a lot. But, not just I could make that but I want to make that. A lot. So much so, that I went down to my fav shop, Masco, straight away to buy the necessary materials to knit an outfit for new baby - but I can't show you proof yet, until I've put buttons on the top for new baby. New baby used to be 'future baby' but she's now arrived... - . Oh, and that hat for Monkey comes from there, too. There are a few more patterns I really, really want to try out, too! Will let you know.
I actually want to BUY this book! That's how much I like this book.

At the same time, I got out another book (Vintage baby knits by Kristen Rengren) - and it just didn't inspire me at all. Some of the patterns are so dated it's not funny. There is no way in hell that a modern parent would dress their child in that!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Sock success!

So I'm onto my second pair...

Monday 28 June 2010

Check out the shoes

I love shoes... and I like Lamborghinis (preferrably the ones with the cool doors - good ole 80s Countach - this love is shared by my mother with proof).

For that reason... my fav review ever for the car - from one of my fav shows

But these? These are beyond words (well, not quite - they ARE the inspiration for this post)
crazy shoe photos - Hey, No Smoking in the Lamborghini!
see more

Saturday 26 June 2010

Some light reading

Visual evidence of my reading pile/s. The first photo shows the chaotic sprawl that is my brain. The second - the tidy piles I wish I could get to - and organise my brain into.
From left to right of the piles: reading for fun / monthly reading challenges for goodreads; the 2nd pile - children's & teens' books in translation for the next Storylines booklist; the 3rd, and largest, NZ children's & teens' books published this year for the Storylines notable books meeting next month.
So, yes, I have to read ALL by the end of the July. Most of pile one by the end of this month - yep, four days! Oh, and there were 2 books in my bag I forgot to include in that pile.
And, reading for work - and knitting socks and scarf.
So - quiet reading weekend.
At least I don't have to do the dishes. Nothing like putting them off (rinse & leave - that's my motto) until the landlord texts because he has to drop off lawnmowing money. So, very quick run around the house to tidy up a weeny bit and do the dishes. Then he didn't even come in the house! Oh well. The dishes are done.

Friday 25 June 2010

Into each life some rain must fall

some days must be dark and dreary.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Today is much too dark and dreary. Comfort food night I feel...
Anyhoo. I've spent today trawling the interweb, and revisiting old fav sites...
My friend, catatonia blogged about losing her mojo - book and blog - and that's where I'm at.
If only I could read again - more than just knitting patterns.
I have a month to read EEP number of recently published NZ kids' & teens' books.
I'm going to try and finish my monthly challenges for good reads - but will have to say farewell to the challenges next month...
Oh well...
On a positive note! catatonia has inspired me to get my blog-posting on schedule. No promises, but I'll try.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Updates updates updates

So - the knitting projects - done the bootie & set for new baby, still working on scarves... but have done a hat for Monkey and a vest for Froggie... I have knitted more - but they're upcoming presents.

I've knitted my first sock. Unlike my mother - I haven't cheated - I've made an adult sized one!

And - another place I will be sourcing presents... Trade Aid.  How could I forget them?!?

Friday 18 June 2010

Another wish...

for headphones that cancel out the crap you really don't need to hear - but let you hear the stuff you do...
Well, would save people from throwing things at me to get my attention when I HAVE to listen to music (you ever met some of my workroom-mates?) in order to concentrate on my job...
BTW - it's my lunch break now...

Oh, I wish....

Funny celebrity photos - David Tennant as Doctor Who
see more Lol Celebs

Saturday 12 June 2010

The present hunt...

So, in an effort to satisfy all-comers in the present stakes... this year I will either:
a. knit something - preferably in NZ wool.
b. buy something from Pumpkin Patch - NZ-owned.
c. buy something from Mr Vintage - NZ-owned and produced, with good ethics - and I can order and pay online, without a credit card.
d. buy something from FrogPrints - NZ-owned and produced - and I can order and pay online, without a credit card.

There - something for everyone, I hope!

Next step - what to do for the families this Christmas... Last year, a recipe book and some kitchen-y stuff. Previous years - craft stuff...

Dear blurb writers...

I thought I might try sock knitting this year. My mum's knitted one sock - and has survived.

So, I searched the library catalogue - you can play along! It's just there... on the right... and I typed in sock knitting. One of the results said this:

The editors at Vogue Knitting®, the most trusted name in the craft, have done it again, creating the most comprehensive guide available to sock knitters! No other book has both information for designing your own socks and such fabulous, never-before-published designer patterns. It includes background on the social and historical development of sock knitting (complete with historical photos), techniques (top-down, bottom-up, many different heel and toe styles), stitch patterns, and socks from a wide variety of ethnic traditions. Since sock knitting requires only the most basic skills, like casting on, knitting in the round, decreasing, working short rows, picking up stitches, binding off and seamless joining, it's a great place for beginners to start.

All well and good. However - since when does the most basic skills include knitting in the round... working short rows... picking up stitches... and seamless joinging!!!!!

For me - basic skills are: casting on, knit stitch, purl stitch, casting/binding off. Not the above!!! Slightly more-than-basic skills include: increase and decrease.
Advanced skills include: knitting in the round, working short rows!


Anyway - I'll let you know how I get on.

PS finished future-baby's outfit - just got to sew up the last two garments. Nearly finished 2nd bootee of 2nd pair for Froggie. And have another month to finish Button's present.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Weekend reality

So, what did I really do this weekend?
Read a couple of books for my monthly challenge.
Read a lot of books that weren't for any challenge or reason...
Did avoid the new book.
Finished the booties - then forgot to bring them to the party to hand over! Duh!
Finished another garment for future baby - and started the next one.
Avoided housework or anything purposeful like that.
Watched a lot of TV & stuff I'd recorded.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Long weekend plans

So, it's a long weekend (yep, I get one, just not the same days as most).
Tomorrow - it's Mum's flatmate's 5th birthday party. The little man is 5! That's so scary!!!
Luckily, his mum has planned the party to end by 1pm, so the afternoon is free (yay, Nana nap!).
What else do I have planned?
Well - one more bootie to knit & sew up before the party for little Froggie.
Then there's the outfit for future baby to knit. And the rest of Button's present.
And... the 10+ books to make headway into for my monthly reading challenges.
And... the pile of translated kids & teens books to read and review.
And... the pile of new NZ kids & teens books to read.
And... a new book has just arrived for me. Can I manage to do anything but read it?!?!? It's sitting beside me, at my desk at work, and all I want to do is read it.
Conspiracy of kings by Megan Whalen Turner. Gen is my fav ever male literary character. And the supporting cast is brilliant. And this is about Sophos - finally! Will he get his girl? Will his girl get him??? I've been waiting for about 10 years to find out.

Knitting update

Here you go... my current projects...
There's a couple of scarves (1 is a present), a bootie (don't worry, I am making a pair), and part of a baby present...

Thursday 3 June 2010


Today is Suzi Quatro's 60th birthday...

To celebrate - a selection of videos. Unfortunately, I can't find one of my favourite song "Michael"...

Quote of the day... well, last couple of months

Thanks to Georgia at work!

"This must be Thursday," said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer, "I never could get the hang of Thursdays" from Hitchhiker's Guide.

It's been like that - well, minus the beer - for every Thursday since Easter and the end of daylight savings...

Each Thursday just feels wrong - like it has to be something other than Thursday. Not, necessarily, Friday. But, just not Thursday. Like, the week has grown an extra day or something. Or the days are longer. Just something.

Fridays are still fine. Saturdays are fine. But Thursdays.

Poor Thursdays.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Ranty McRanty #10 (or #5 part 2)

I've ranted about footpaths before... and it continues!

So - my new suggestion - let's set up road rules for footpaths. A slow lane - for those texting, sightseeing, indecisive, dawdling. A fast lane. And keep left...


Tuesday 1 June 2010

Knitting frenzy

yep - that's me... knitting all the time. Dishes - nah, they can wait... isn't there a water shortage? Far as I know, it hasn't been lifted. (Would be nice, however, if there was a shortage of water through my bedroom windows...) Cooking - who needs food!

So - a cute little vest for Froggie for his 1st birthday. I've also knitted Monkey's 1st birthday present - it's not her birthday until October, but I couldn't resist the wool or the pattern.

Knitted Monkey a hat yesterday. Oh... and here she is in some booties I knitted her last week. See those hands - that's what her life is like when the family are around... all fighting over her. Some lucky people got to see her both days this weekend. I saw her Sunday... Every one loves Monkey.

Am currently working on a set of clothes for upcoming baby. Oh, and Button's birthday present, too. But that one is not so easy to knit in the half-dark on the way to and from work.

Reading? When would I get time to do that?!?!? Must knit...