Saturday 12 November 2011

Knitting projects update

Man, I suck at updating this. Too busy actually knitting I think!. A while ago I posted my knitting hitlist. Time for an update and some pretty pictures.

Jod's present all done. And here's a photo - modelled by someone some of you know. The pattern is from Brave new knits, again.

From the book

As modelled at work.

Then there's my shrug, from Circular Knitting Redefined - doesn't look much like the original! But, I really struggled with this one. Positive there was a problem with the pattern. That could be why I didn't place in the WI comps... :(

From the book

And, I finished Kath's birthday present...

My teddy bear - which will be a Christmas present - is at Auntie Pam's having its face added. Mum did the sewing up. A joint effort!

However - I did get 2nd for my fingerless mittens and 1st for my mobile... (ok, I was the ONLY entry for the mobile - but that doesn't stop the WI judges not handing out 1st places).