Friday 6 February 2009

Ranty McRanty #6

Moving on from footpath rage... there's public transport - really BUS, rage...
Assuming you made it to your bus stop in time (you realise, of course, that the bus will be running late on the days you have RUN for it) and you wait, patiently, with your bus pass in hand. Then the bus arrives and you queue politely and patiently - while trying to stand your ground against the people who just showed up & pushed their way into the queue - assuming there is only one queue. Some bus queues can be two-pronged. Then, before you, will be the person who - for reasons known only to themselves, but possibly involve the fact their lineage might include lesser demons from hell - wait until they're actually facing the driver before hunting in their bag for their purse/wallet/bus pass/money... a process taking unnecessary time...
Sort it out...

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