Saturday 28 March 2009

me playing around

so what do you think? A little something I cooked up on

More Eddie Izzard

Ages ago I posted Eddie Izzard's Death Start Canteen - how - the lego version, which is even funnier...

Friday 27 March 2009

Happy birthday girl!

... sorry it's a day late...

Dear Proud, normal mummy - happy birthday for yesterday.

I am proud of your mothering skills. You have every right to be a proud mummy! Kaydin is a joy, and you're doing so well.

I am proud - and extremely grateful! - for the relationship you have with my mum. Maybe the best relationship really is grandparent and grandchild. I'm so happy the three of you have made a home together.

I am proud of the way you carry yourself, no matter what life throws at you. I have yet to see you not cope with a situation and, somehow, I don't think I ever will. I hope you know, though, that we are there for you - you don't need to carry burdens on your own.

I am proud of the adult you have become.

I am proud to be your aunt.

I love you. Always and forever.

Saturday 21 March 2009


How little things can affect your childhood memories...
No raisin-box whistles anymore - and I've heard stories about Spaceman lollies...
Then, after years of waiting, my favourite book - ever - in the whole world! - has been turned into a movie. I know that can be bad - "never judge a book by its movie" [JW Egan]. But I wasn't expecting this bad...
So, here's my not-that-detailed review of The little white horse - and here's a review of the movie, The secret of Moonacre - and the website of the movie, including a trailor.
That's one movie I won't be going to see...
Just - yuck!

200+ and counting

So, I've rabbiting on - and you've been reading - for over 200 posts now... no wonder it's taking me more and more time to think of something to say!

Maybe I could talk about the weather...
And, how odd it has been lately. One day, freezing - next lovely. One night I'm in my 'in between weather' pjs, the next back to summer ones, and then winter the following night! What's with this?!?!? No wonder people are getting sick all around & about...

Work? Nah, too dangerous. Too many work colleagues read this...

I know... just figured it out... back soon...

Saturday 14 March 2009


Last May I bemoaned the lack of umbrella etiquette - imagine my joy, then to see this blog entry on this very subject!
If only people followed such advice...
Next step - making people walk on the left of the footpath...

Thursday 12 March 2009

Air conned

Until recently, outside it's been like we live in a tropical island - temperature in the mid-20s (Celsius) with 90% humidity (or more)... while in my office I'm wearing a warm cardy and glittens (my word) - handy-dandy partly-fingerless gloves, with pull-over tops to turn them into mittens.
What's with that? No wonder everyone is falling like flies to the dreaded lurgy.
I'm not, of course, I think it's a result on my unhealthy lifestyle - sitting around outside in all weather, inhaling bad air - it must be responsible for the bug resistence (and my 380+ hours of sick leave - the joys of being on an old contract).
But the weather is on the turn - and I'm about to break out my t-shirt material sheets.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Words mean nothing...

The (very) little pleasure I got watching cricket last night was so horribly overshadowed...