Monday 12 September 2022

World Kid Lit Month 2022: Day 12: A bilingual book for children or young adults

Bingo: A bilingual book for children or young adults:

Lifetimes: a beautiful way to explain life and death to children =

O olaga o se auala matagofie e faamalamalama ai le ola ma le iu o le ola i tamaiti =

Ko e anga 'o e mo'ui': ko ha founga ke ako'i'aki'a e longa'i fanau', 'o fekau'aki mo e anga 'o e mo'ui'

Bryan Mellonie

Illustrated by Robert Ingpen and Dineke Kaye

Samoan translation by Ruby Va'a and Vio Solofa

Tongan translation by Konai Thaman & Taiamoni Tongamoa

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