Friday 2 September 2022

World Kid Lit Month 2022: Day One: A book by a winner of the IBBY Hans Christian Andersen Award

Bingo: A book by a winner of the IBBY Hans Christian Andersen Award.

I could not - and WILL NOT - go pass Margaret Mahy!

Her classic, 'The Lion in the Meadow' is part of my first library memory: buying a battered, withdrawn library copy!

I have a few of her books (these are just the picture books!) Most are withdrawn library copies (keeping the tradition.
My involvement with @StorylinesNZ meant I was able to spend time with her.
I could give her a chainmail bracelet I'd made for her 70th birthday.

Not photographed, my battered and Post-it Note bedecked copy of The Changeover and Tricksters.
Books I read and studied for my MA.

I was destined to be a reader - but Margaret's writing help mould me into the reader - and librarian - that I am now.

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