Thursday 2 June 2022

Inspiration from small beginnings

 As part of #BlogJune, I am posting my answers to #JuneQuestions. 

I picked today's question out of the list of potentially easier options. Because - inspiration struck. 

Who inspires you?

I hesitated choosing this question to answer. 

Who would I pick? 

A work mate (past or present)?

A mentor?

A friend?

A family member?

A role model? 

Then - I saw them. My inspiration.

The little girl in that photo. In a baby's bath. Smiling. With a book! 

Me at three (ish). 

My past-self. 

The me before. 

Before Dad's nearly fatal accident.

Before Mum's (complete) breakdown.

Before the separation.

Before the divorce.

Before *waves hands* all this. 

That little one kept going and growing. She kept a sense of joy and childlike wonder and enthusiasm (and a love of books). Yes, this was balanced with a sense of adult-like cynicism - even at three. 

This deeply embedded attitude has kept me going - as life moved be on from that little one, to the 50-year-old me. 

Each day is another day that little inner me lives, and inspires me to keep hold of her. 

Inspires me to connect with others - to find other peoples' inner child (whether they're wearing a child body, or an adult one). 

Dearest Little Me

You kept your sense of joy all through that. 

You couldn't contain that joy when your parents reunited. 

You couldn't contain it when you became an adult, only a few short four years later. 

I'm working my way back to you. To your joy.

Dad's death, 20 years ago last week, dampened it down. 

But, the real nail in the coffin has been the rupture of the family. The family that allowed that little one to be so joyful. 

Now, I find joy elsewhere.

At work - in the smiles and giggles and friendships with current little ones (and their grown-ups). 

In being an auntie, while at work. You know, responsible adult that's not a parent, but quite close. Yeah, that. 

Keep shining Little Ones. Everywhere.

I hope that, someday and some way, I can be an inspiration to others. 

(Maybe typing this up at work wasn't a good idea. Glad I'm alone in the office.)

What do you currently do for a living? 
Arrange playdates between toys and a T. Rex 😉. (Seriously! It's happening in July!)

Being an auntie.  

I'm a Senior Librarian - Children and Youth; and 2iC (second in charge). 

 What three words would you use to describe your role? 

Tedium. Chaos. Smiles

What is your biggest achievement to date - personal or professional? 

Surviving working three part-time jobs, over six days a week, while studying for my MA full-time (and achieving Honours). It make working fulltime, while studying (part time and by distance) for my MLIS a doddle. 




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