Wednesday 8 June 2022

Weird allergies

 Look at all the glorious citrus! 

How much I love it. 

Look at the ingredients of your hand soap. Your shampoo. Your eco cleaners. Your tinned tomatoes! Your natural cola. Your hand sanitizer. 
Citrus. Citric acid. 330. 
Whatever you call it. It's everywhere. 

Like two older sisters, my citrus sensitivity has grown as I neared 50. 
Unlike them, I can still tolerate it in small doses. But, if I track like them... soon I'll have blisters inside my mouth, scabs along my hairline, whenever I'm not careful enough. 

There are perfumes I can't cope with. Which means, there are some customers I struggle to serve, because I just can't breath in their vicinity. 

We have a range of cleaning products at work, which are used depending on who is at work that day. 

I can't use the hand soap at work. 

Because of Mum, there is only ONE toilet paper we can buy. One laundry liquid. Close to only one soap. 

And then, they change the recipe / formula. 

I really hope I don't develop the nightshade allergy that runs in the family. No tomatoes. No potatoes. 😥

So, in the midst of the handwashing, always sanitise thing... I didn't. I couldn't. 

Oh, and don't get me started on cucumber and its relatives. No melons. I can eat pumpkin, once its cooked. But I'm getting less and less able to cut it myself. Nausea inducing smells. 🤢

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